`The Coffee Diet` Caution This Book Contains The Secret To Weight Loss
Released on: October 21, 2008, 4:19 am
Press Release Author: Ockham Publishing
Industry: Retail
Press Release Summary: According to the Nemours Foundation, 1.2 billion people are medically overweight. The American Health Rankings Report confirmed nearly 25% of the U.S. is medically OBESE....until now! Let me introduce a book that will change your life: The Coffee Diet!
Press Release Body: The simple fact is that most people are overweight because they take in more calories than they expend. The reason people take in excess calories is to satisfy hunger cravings. The key to weight loss, then, is to remain safely satiated throughout the day to prevent this excess calorie consumption. Amazingly, we incorporate an ideal low-calorie, safe, and satiating agent into our daily routines already: Coffee. Unfortunately, most of us use coffee only as a "wake-up" agent, fearful of drinking too much due to misinformation about the safety of coffee. In "THE COFFEE DIET" Caution: This Book Contains The Secret To Weight Loss, John Greene reveals, based on primary research from the world's most reputable institutions, the true safety profile of coffee. He then presents a strategy on how to utilize this amazing drink to satisfy hunger pangs, excess eating, and in turn, create a realistic weight loss program.
"It is absolutely clear that people not only need to learn what to do to successfully lose weight, but also need to be explicitly taught HOW to do so. Within the pages of my book, I utilize my expertise as an exercise physiologist and nutritionist, as well as extensive research, to reveal the absolute secret and eating strategy for weight loss. This simple, safe, and effective plan leads to less eating, which helps create a caloric deficit/balance and eventually weight loss. As readers journey through the pages they will learn how to take control of their weight and learn, once and for all, the secret to weight loss. I am excited to reveal the secret of HOW this is achieved through the utilization of coffee." Through years and years of working with clients, I always wanted to create the right eating plan and strategy. The major problem with most nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors is that they tell you an "unrealistic" way to lose weight. "Eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise, and stay away from a lot of fat, sugar, and simple carbohydrates." People have proven over and over that they know this, BUT need help in implementing a more realistic strategy. That is when I started the journey of utilizing all my knowledge and research to devise the best strategy for losing weight and ultimately revealing the secret of weight loss.
"...I used to battle with weight every day. As a Registered Nurse it was imperative for me to find a safe and effective eating strategy that works! The Coffee Diet lays out the perfect system that is easy and stressless. The rest of the "diets" that are out there either do not work or are unsafe. This book comes with my highest recommendation. Perfect!..." -Lani Mclean- RN.
"...I have just finished reading a Draft Copy of this remarkable book. I have had a life long interest in the synergistic relationships between wellness, good diet, exercise, and fitness. I am also a huge coffee drinker, and have never quite felt comfortable about the amount I drink. This guilt has disappeared, and I now have an expert's opinion and guidance to further refine my lifestyle and be trim, fit, and healthy for years to come. John Greene has put together for the first time, a logical and irrefutable plan for wellness and weight-loss that involves coffee, one of the most popular drinks in the world! He debunks the many adverse myths about coffee, and has created an integrated plan that can help anyone lose weight, and find a new life. I cannot recommend this book highly enough to people who struggle with weight-loss." -Thom L. Neff, PhD
Web Site: http://www.officialcoffeediet.com
Contact Details: To place orders for the book, contact: Ockham Publishing Phone: (857) 204-5473 E-Mail: John@officialcoffeediet.com Website: www.officialcoffeediet.com
Available at Barnes and Noble & Amazon $14.95 ISBN-13: 9781598586893
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